Annual Auction
March 8, 2025

The Riverside Auction is our school’s largest fundraiser occurring annually on the second Saturday in March.

Preparations begin in January with many volunteer opportunities. Each school family is asked to contribute items or services for the auction and Service Hours are earned by value-in-kind.

Our Online Auction and In-person event are well attended with generous community support! Join the fun!


  • Join us on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, for a memorable evening at our Annual Benefit Auction. This highly anticipated event brings together our school community, local businesses, and supportive individuals for an evening of generosity and fun.
    The auction offers a diverse array of items and experiences up for bidding, including exclusive products, services, and one-of-a-kind pieces generously donated by our supporters. Guests can delight in a delicious catered dinner and indulge in a lively auction experience that helps raise essential funds for our school's programs and initiatives.
    Every year, our community's unwavering support at the auction contributes to the growth and development of Riverside Christian School, ensuring that we continue to provide exceptional education and opportunities for our students.
    Mark your calendars for an unforgettable night of giving and camaraderie at the Riverside Christian School's Annual Benefit Auction. Your participation truly makes a difference!


Our fall Jog-A-Thon, held on Riverside’s campus, is a fun time of fitness, family fellowship, and fundraising!

Students raise money by asking sponsors to donate per lap or a flat fee.
At the Jog-A-Thon, students, families, and staff walk, run, or push a stroller around our parking lot “track” raising needed funds for our school.

Volunteers make this day a success!


  • WHO: All Riverside Families & Friends are welcome!

    WHAT: Riverside's 13th Annual Jog-A-Thon & Pancake Feed

    WHERE: Riverside's Parking Lot will become a "Track" and center of FUN!

    WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2024

    • 1st Jog Session: 7:00-8:00 AM

    • 2nd Jog Session: 8:45-9:45 AM

    • FREE Pancake Feed 7:30-10:30 AM

    WHY: To reach our 2024 All-School Fundraising Goal: $50,000


    • Participants Run, Walk, Jog, or Push a stroller for one hour...and eat lots of pancakes!

    • Students get sponsors to donate by flat fee or "per lap" by the contest deadline of OCTOBER 9

    Join the FUN & FITNESS to FUNDRAISE for our school!


Poinsettias are pre-ordered in early November for the holiday season
(See details below).

Riverside offers FREE delivery to local businesses.

Volunteers are needed to take orders, unload trucks,
organize the poinsettias, and make deliveries.

This is a great opportunity to gift poinsettias to employees,
friends, family or to decorate your church!


  • Our quality Poinsettias are displayed in 6.5 inch pots with professional florist wrap. 

    Choose from four colors: RED, WHITE, PINK, or JINGLE BELL

    COST: $16 each


    Business Order:

    • Deadline: November 6, 2024

    • Free Delivery to local businesses: Nov. 19 & 20

    Friends / Family:

    • Deadline: November 13, 2024

    • Pick up at Riverside: November 21 (8:30am - 7:00pm)

    ORDER FORMS - print & mail with payment

    Buisness Order Form

    Friends & Family Order Form

    Thanks for your support!